Sinus Infection: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Sinus infections , also known as sinusitis, often occur after a cold and cause pain and pressure in the face. This can make breathing difficult and affect your sense of smell. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what sinus infections are, the symptoms, and some helpful tips to help relieve symptoms, including using a nasal dilator.
What is a Sinus Infection?
When you have a cold, your nose, throat and sinuses become inflamed. A sinus infection occurs when a lot of mucus remains in the sinuses, causing pressure and pain in the face. You often notice a reduced sense of smell.
What are Sinuses?
Sinuses are air-filled spaces in the bones of your forehead and upper jaw, next to and above your nose. They are connected to the nasal cavity:
- Frontal sinuses: Above the eyes, located in the forehead.
- Maxillary sinuses: Next to the nose, located in the upper jaw, just above the teeth.
Symptoms of a Sinus Infection
The first signs of a sinus infection resemble a common cold, but with additional symptoms such as:
- Pressure or pain in the upper jaw, forehead or face.
- Pain in the upper teeth and molars.
- Worsening of pain when chewing or bending over.
- Decreased sense of smell.
- Swollen cheek.
- Fever (38 degrees or higher).
Causes of a Sinus Infection
A sinus infection often starts with a cold caused by a virus and sometimes by a bacteria. The inflammation causes the mucous membrane in the nose, throat and sinuses to swell and produce more mucus. The mucus cannot drain properly, causing pressure and pain.
Advice for Relieving Complaints
There are some simple ways to relieve the symptoms of a sinus infection:
- Steaming: Steam for example 3 times a day for 15 minutes with warm water to reduce the complaints. Make sure the water is not boiling hot and be careful with young children.
- Saltwater solution: Nasal drops with salt water can help to clear the nose. You can make a solution yourself with a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water, or buy a saltwater spray from the pharmacy.
- Blow your nose gently: Avoid blowing too hard, as this can push mucus deeper into the sinuses.
- Nasal dilator : A nasal dilator can help keep your airways open, making breathing easier and reducing pressure in your sinuses. By improving airflow, a nasal dilator can also help relieve symptoms of snoring. It's a simple device that can be especially helpful during a sinus infection.
- Quit smoking: Smoking irritates the mucous membrane and can delay healing.
Medicines for a sinus infection
Medication is usually not necessary, as a sinus infection often heals on its own within 1 to 3 weeks. For severe symptoms, you may consider:
- Nasal drops or nasal spray (xylometazoline): This spray reduces swelling of the nasal mucosa and makes breathing easier. However, do not use it for longer than 1 week.
- Painkillers such as paracetamol: Paracetamol can provide relief for severe pain without serious side effects.
When to see a doctor?
A sinus infection usually heals on its own. Contact your doctor if:
- You have had a fever for more than 5 days.
- The complaints do not decrease after 2 weeks.
- You experience severe headache, loss of vision, or pain around the eyes.
A sinus infection can cause unpleasant symptoms, but usually heals on its own within a few weeks. By steaming, using a salt water spray and applying a nasal dilator , you can relieve the symptoms and breathe easier. If the symptoms persist or get worse, your GP can help you further. Take good care of yourself and follow these tips to recover faster.