Jet lags


What is Jetlag and How Can You Prevent It?

Jet lag can really ruin your holiday, especially if you’re flying to another country. It can leave you feeling tired and confused, which can prevent you from enjoying your trip to the fullest. In this article, I’ll explain what jet lag is, how to prevent it, and what to do if you’re experiencing it.

What is Jetlag?

Jet lag is a problem that occurs when you travel across different time zones, such as when you fly to another country. Your body has a kind of internal clock that tells you when to sleep and when to be awake. But when you go to a place where it is much earlier or later than at home, that clock gets confused. This can make you feel tired when you should be awake.

How bad your jet lag is depends on how many time zones you’ve crossed and which direction you’re flying. It can take your body two to three days to adjust, but sometimes it takes longer. It’s usually harder to adjust if you’re flying east, because the days are shorter there.

Tips to Prevent Jetlag

Here are some simple tips to avoid jet lag on your next trip:

1. Adapt Immediately (to the New Times)

As soon as you arrive at your destination, it is important to adjust to the local time immediately. Don't think about the time at home all the time, but try to follow the local time. For example, if it is 5:00 PM, stay awake, even if you are tired.

2. Use Light Smart

Light plays a big role in how your body knows when it’s time to sleep or be awake. When you arrive at your destination, try to go outside and get some sunlight. This will help your body adjust to the new time more quickly. Avoid screens right before bed, as the blue light from them can trick your body into thinking it’s not bedtime yet.

You can also use special lamps, which resemble natural light, to help your body get used to the new time.

3. Watch What You Drink

Make sure you drink plenty of water, especially during and after your flight. Caffeine, like in coffee, can help you stay awake when you arrive in the morning, but don’t drink it too late in the day. Alcohol may help you fall asleep, but it will prevent you from sleeping well. It’s best to avoid alcohol the first day.

4. Use a Snoring Guard for Better Sleep

If you suffer from snoring, it can disrupt your sleep. A snoring brace can help. This brace ensures that your jaw moves forward slightly, allowing you to breathe better and snore less quickly. This way you sleep better and your body can recover from jet lag more quickly.

5. Move Enough

Exercise helps you feel awake and refreshed. Exercise, such as walking or playing sports, makes you feel more energetic and helps you sleep better. Try to be active during the day and avoid intense exercise just before bedtime.


Jetlag can be annoying, but with these tips you can reduce it. By quickly adapting to the new time, being smart about light and what you drink, and sleeping well with, for example, a snoring brace, you can ensure that your holiday remains fun and relaxing.

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