The Consequences of Untreated Grinding
Untreated grinding can lead to serious dental and physical complications. When teeth are constantly grinding or clenched, the tooth surface can wear down and even crack or break. Many people who grind their teeth also develop pain in the temporomandibular joint and in the face. This is because the muscles in the face and jaw are overused by grinding, which not only causes jaw pain, but can also cause tension in the neck and shoulders. In the long term, grinding can even lead to temporomandibular joint ( TMJ ) dysfunction, which requires additional medical attention.
Symptoms to watch out for
Common symptoms of untreated grinding include sensitive teeth, headaches upon waking, pain around the ears, and neck pain. These symptoms can worsen over time, especially if the condition is left untreated for a long time. Additionally, grinding can also affect sleep quality, as people who sleep grind often suffer from snoring and sometimes even sleep apnea , a condition in which breathing temporarily stops during sleep.
The grinding bit: a simple and effective solution
A bite guard provides an effective solution to reduce the effects of grinding. By using our bite guard, your teeth are protected from wear and tear, while your jaw muscles can relax. This not only helps to reduce pain in your jaw and teeth, but can also improve your overall sleep quality. Our bite guard is designed to fit comfortably and help you wake up in the morning without pain, protecting you from the damaging effects of grinding your teeth. With this aid, you can enjoy better sleep and healthier teeth without worry.