A Deviated Nasal Septum: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Een Scheef Neustussenschot: Oorzaken, Symptomen en Behandeling

A Deviated Nasal Septum: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Breathing problems, headaches, and sleep problems can all be signs of a deviated septum. The septum is the thin cartilage that divides the nasal cavity in two. In many people, this septum is somewhat asymmetrical, but when it is shifted significantly to one side, it is called a deviated septum . This can restrict airflow and lead to various unpleasant symptoms. In this blog post, we will discuss the symptoms and how you can relieve or treat them.

Symptoms of a Deviated Nasal Septum

Not everyone with a deviated septum experiences symptoms, but some abnormalities cause specific symptoms that affect breathing and quality of life. The most common symptoms include:

  • Blockage of one or both nostrils: This makes it difficult to breathe freely through the nose. Especially during colds or allergies, the nose can swell even more, making the problem worse.
  • Nosebleeds: A deviated septum can dry out the nasal mucosa, leading to crusting and an increased risk of bleeding.
  • Facial pain: In severe cases, surfaces inside the nose may press against each other, causing one-sided facial pain.
  • Snoring and noisy breathing during sleep: When the airways are narrowed, this can lead to noise when breathing or snoring.
  • Awareness of the “nasal cycle”: Normally the nostrils alternate between opening and closing, but with a deviated septum this can be much more noticeable.
  • Sleeping position preference: Some people with a deviated septum find that they prefer to sleep on one side to breathe better through the nose.

Causes of a Deviated Nasal Septum

A deviated septum can be congenital, but it can also be caused by an injury, such as sports or an accident. Sometimes the septum shifts gradually over the years. Regardless of the cause, this deviation can have a significant impact on breathing and quality of life.

Treatment Options for a Deviated Nasal Septum

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, there are several treatment options:

  • Medication: Anti-inflammatory sprays or other medications can reduce swelling and temporarily clear the airways, especially for allergies.
  • Nasal Dilators: A simple, non-invasive solution for people who have difficulty breathing through their nose.Nasal dilators, such as those from Doctor Comfy Sleep, open the nostrils and improve airflow. They can be an effective aid for mild symptoms.
  • Surgery: For severe cases, septoplasty (surgery to straighten the nasal septum) is often the best solution to structurally restore airflow. This can provide relief from breathing problems, headaches and sleep problems.

Improve your Breathing and Quality of Life

A deviated septum can significantly affect your daily life. By using simple aids such as nasal dilators or, if necessary, considering surgery, you can breathe more freely, sleep better and possibly reduce headaches and other symptoms.


Although a deviated septum does not always cause symptoms, severe deviations can lead to breathing problems, headaches and sleep problems.Nasal dilators from Doctor Comfy Sleep are an easy solution to keep the airways open, while surgery can provide long-term relief in severe cases. Discuss the options with your doctor and discover how your breathing and well-being can improve.

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